Who We Are

LIMS is a platform for research, collaboration, and innovation in economic policy. We aim to encourage scientific research, training students on carrying out relevant projects, and spreading knowledge through conferences, workshops and electronic resources.
We provide policy leaders with market studies, reform propositions, and technical support to help them serve their constituencies. Member of the Atlas Network, we pool resources from partners around the globe and bring international insights to local knowledge.

To unleash economic growth and promote prosperity.

Deliver market-oriented policy reforms through working with policy makers and the media.

We help governments and public-sector organizations design and implement market solutions.
• We develop high-quality reform propositions based on scientific research, matching government priorities with the pressing needs of people.
• We work on spreading knowledge to the media and decision makers to promote the reforms.
• We equip students and future leaders with the needed skills, to suggest policies and focus on prosperity.

The reports below present a selection of highlights of LIMS activities
Click here to download 2019 activity report

Our Stewardship
- We address economic challenges from a market perspective.
- We deliver objective recommendations based on scientific research, and on the successes and failures of reforms in countries with similar institutional framework.
- We are devoted to our mission and we use our means efficiently to produce value.
Our Work:
- We offer scientific, rigorous, reliable, and accessible information and analysis to decision makers.
- We are committed to integrity and honesty, and we build lasting, trusting relationships with policy leaders.
- We work with diverse partners regardless their religion, sect, political affiliation, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, etc.
Our Service
- We design and deliver innovative, cost efficient, and practical policy propositions.
- We stand out by offering high-quality programs for current and future decision makers.
- We serve our partners and help them respond to current challenges, in a manner that would benefit the public.
Our Team
- We offer an environment, where each individual has the ability to draw on a network of international knowledge and expertise.
- We engage a wide network of international experts to deliver high-end outcomes.
- We invest in the professional development of our people, to maintain the highest standard and results.