Supply Chain Disruptions Could Create Future Recession

Supply Chain Disruptions Could Create Future Recession

China is facing a new dilemma due to the high number of COVID-19 cases, as it balances human sacrifice and economic revival. The world is closely linked to China through supply chains and investments, making its economic importance crucial, contributing up to 30% of global industrial output and leading in technology and industrial sectors. LIMS explained that the coronavirus pandemic led to the closure of factories in China, causing a shortage of goods in foreign countries. Disruptions in the supply chain are evident. In the US, for example, there are longer than usual wait times to buy certain vehicles, since some parts are manufactured in China. The expansionary monetary policy during the pandemic has only made prices higher, while simultaneously, creating an uptick in demand for basic supplies.

LIMS Media Interviews:

  • China And The COVID Dilemma, January 15, 2023: CNN Arabic, TV Interview AR