Lebanon’s Parliamentary Elections: Time for Accountability, Supervision, and Representation

Lebanon’s Parliamentary Elections: Time for Accountability, Supervision, and Representation

LIMS explained the importance of elections and encouraged people to vote to (1) exercise accountability of decision makers regarding choices involving the public’s interest; (2) assess the work of decision makers in utilizing all available resources optimally and responsibly; (3) select a representative that acts in their best interest. The 2022 elections come at a time of financial and economic crises where people have lost their life savings, their purchasing power, and their jobs. This year’s vote is an opportunity to elect MPs that would represent the interest of the population, especially since the upcoming parliament will have to deliberate on policies and laws that will have a direct impact on the economic well-being of every person.

Currently, Lebanon is going through a severe economic depression.  However, given the controversial nature and unpopularity of the needed reforms, members of parliament (MPs) preferred to avoid voting on such policies during election season. Reforms have been delayed by the parliament and will be decided on after the May 15 parliamentary elections.

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